Caught Between Fax Machines and AI Hype: The State of the German Economy and What We Must Do to Harness AI Profitably

Day 2 | 12:45 – 13:00 | Main Hall

Photo. Portrait of Lena Weirauch.

Lena Weirauch

aiomatic solutions GmbH


On the one hand, we wonder whether our jobs will still exist in 10 years or if they will already be taken over by AI. On the other hand, excessive paperwork and the phase-out of fax machines remain a reality in many German companies. In this presentation, Lena Weirauch explores the parallels between the current developments in the introduction to the internet, explains why the AI hype is already starting to falter, and outlines strategies for how companies can respond now. She also highlights the key elements of a successful strategy that will ensure AI is used profitably.

Lena Weirauch

Lena Weirauch holds a degree in psychology and is the founder of the Hamburg-based AI start-up aiomatic. Lena discovered her passion for statistics and analyzing large amounts of data during her studies. She first came into contact with the topic of AI in industry as a project manager in the aviation industry. After completing her master’s degree in psychology, Lena founded the AI startup aiomatic in 2020 together with Felix Kraft and Dario Ramming, which offers innovative, digital maintenance software. At aiomatic, Lena is responsible for sales and software development. In her private life, she is also committed to the visibility of women in the start-up scene and is the Hamburg state spokesperson for the Startup Association and the youngest plenary member of the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce.